黑糖珍珠 – Brown Sugar Tapioca Pearls

步驟 Step

1. 準備好珍珠的量 Prepare the quantity you want.

2. 將水煮至滾 Pour the tapioca pearls into the pot to cook.

3. 將珍珠倒入鍋裡煮 Pour the tapioca pearls into the pot to cook.

4. 鍋蓋蓋上悶煮數分鐘 Bring to the boil, then reduce the heat and simmer, covered, for 30 minutes.

5. 適時的翻動避免焦掉 To stir tapioca pearls moderately in order to prevent becoming burnt.

6. 將珍珠瀝乾 Drain boiled tapioca pearls.

7. 用冷水將多餘的澱粉去除 Soak tapioca pearls with code water, it will be more springy.

8. 加入適當的糖做調味 Add some sugar as personal taste.

9. 好吃的珍珠就完成了 Then you get a delicious tapioca pearls.